

print debug info of various structures

handle info/error/warning messages from imcc

Functions ^

void IMCC_fatal
Prints out a fatal error message from IMCC and throws an IMCC_FATAL_EXCEPTION.
void IMCC_fataly
void IMCC_fatal_standalone
Prints an error message from IMCC and exits Parrot. This is not a recoverable exception but a forced exit.
void IMCC_fataly_standalone
Prints an error message and exits Parrot. This is not a recoverable error.
void IMCC_warning
Prints a warning message, but does not throw an exception and does not cause Parrot to exit.
void IMCC_info
Prints some information, if the level of the information is higher then IMCC's verbose mode.
void IMCC_debug
Prints a debug message, if IMCC's debug mode is turned on.
void dump_instructions
Dumps the current instruction status of IMCC
void dump_cfg
Dumps the current IMCC config data.
void dump_loops
Dumps the current loops in the IMC_Unit unit.
void dump_labels
Dumps the list of labels in IMC_Unit unit.
void dump_symreg
Dumps a list of the symbolic registers in IMC_Unit unit
void dump_liveness_status
Dumps the list of registers in the current IMC_Unit that need to be allocated.
void dump_liveness_status_var
Dumps the state of SymReg r in IMC_Unit unit.
void dump_interference_graph
Dumps the interference graph for the current IMC_Unit unit
void dump_dominators
Dumps the current list of dominators for the current IMC_Unit unit.
void dump_dominance_frontiers
Dumps the list of dominance frontiers for the current IMC_Unit unit.
