This file contains functions that manage the macro datastructures. Actual expansion of the macros is completely handled in the lexer (pir.l).

macro_def *new_macro(macro_table *const table, char *const name, int lineno)
Create a new macro definition node and store it in the macro_table table
macro_param *new_macro_param(char const *const value)
Constructor for a macro_param struct object. Initializes the name attribute of the macro_param object to value. A pointer to the newly allocated macro_param object is returned.
void add_macro_param(macro_def *const macro, char *const name)
Add a macro parameter by name of name to the macro definition macro.
void new_macro_const(macro_table *const table, char const *const name, char const *const value)
Define a new .macro_const, by name of name as an alias for value The new macro const is entered in the macro_table table
void check_size(macro_def *const macro, unsigned length)
Check macro's buffer size whether length bytes can be added; if not, then the buffer is doubled in size.
void store_macro_char(macro_def *const macro, char c)
Store the character c in macro's body buffer.
void store_macro_string(macro_def *const macro, char *const str, ...)
Store the string str in macro's body buffer. The total number of characters to be written should not exceed MAX_NUM_CHARS. It's not known beforehand how much space we need in the buffer due to the var. arg. list.
macro_def *find_macro(constant_table *const table, char *const name)
Find the specified macro. If the specified macro does not exist, NULL is returned.
macro_table *new_macro_table(macro_table *const current)
Create a new macro_table structure; set current as its previous. The newly created table is returned.
void delete_macro_table(macro_table *table)
Free resources allocated for the macro_table table.
void declare_macro_local(macro_def *const macro, char *const name)
Declare name as a .macro_local for the macro definition macro.
int is_macro_local(macro_def *const macro, char *const name)
Check whether name was declared as a .macro_local in the macro definition macro.
