pmc/luatable.pmc - Lua Table


LuaTable extends LuaBase to provide a class with the behaviour of the Lua Table type.

This implementation is based on the Lua 4.0 one.

Overloaded Methods ^

void init()
Initializes the instance.
void mark()
Marks the hash as live.
void destroy()
Free hash structure.
STRING *name()
Return the string "table".
PMC *clone()
PMCs are always handled by-reference in Parrot. So, copying register contents only copies the reference to the PMC. For LuaString, LuaNumber, LuaBoolean, this is not correct, as Lua has by-value semantics for these types. In order to be able to handle register "move" instructions, this should be implemented using clone(). However, LuaTable and LuaFunction do have by-reference semantics. As you don't know the type during compile-time of an object, just always use clone() to copy register contents. LuaTable and LuaFunction should therefore only clone the reference to themselves, not make a deep copy.
STRING *get_string()
void set_pmc(PMC *other)
PMC *get_pmc_keyed (PMC *key)
table accessor.
void set_pmc_keyed(PMC *key, PMC *value)
table mutator.
void set_pmc_keyed_str(STRING *key, PMC *value)
Need by NameSpace.export_to().
INTVAL elements()
Returns the number of elements in the table.

non-Vtable Methods ^

INTVAL is_equal(PMC *value)
The == operation. Compares reference (not in depth).
INTVAL cmp(PMC *value)

Specific Methods ^

PMC *get_metatable()
PMC *len()
PMC *next(PMC *index)
PMC *rawequal(PMC *value)
PMC *rawget(PMC *key)
void rawset(PMC *key, PMC *value)
void set_metatable(PMC *meta)
