php_array.pir - PHP array Standard Library
array array([mixed $...])
Creates an array
array array_change_key_case(array input [, int case=CASE_LOWER])
Retuns an array with all string keys lowercased [or uppercased]NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_chunk(array input, int size [, bool preserve_keys])
Split array into chunksNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_combine(array keys, array values)
Creates an array by using the elements of the first parameter as keys and the elements of the second as the corresponding valuesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_count_values(array input)
Return the value as key and the frequency of that value in input as valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_diff(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...])
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are not present in any of the others arguments.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_diff_assoc(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...])
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are not present in any of the others arguments but do additional checks whether the keys are equalNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_diff_key(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...])
Returns the entries of arr1 that have keys which are not present in any of the others arguments.
This function is like array_diff() but works on the keys instead of the values.
The associativity is preserved.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_diff_uassoc(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback data_comp_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are not present in any of the others arguments but do additional checks whether the keys are equal.
Elements are compared by user supplied function.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_diff_ukey(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback key_comp_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have keys which are not present in any of the others arguments.
User supplied function is used for comparing the keys.
This function is like array_udiff() but works on the keys instead of the values.
The associativity is preserved.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_fill(int start_key, int num, mixed val)
Create an array containing num elements starting with index start_key each initialized to val
array array_fill_keys(array keys, mixed val)
Create an array using the elements of the first parameter as keys each initialized to valNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_filter(array input [, mixed callback])
Filters elements from the array via the callback.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_flip(array input)
Return array with key <-> value flippedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_intersect(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...])
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are present in all the other argumentsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_intersect_assoc(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...])
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are present in all the other arguments.
Keys are used to do more restrictive checkNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_intersect_key(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...])
Returns the entries of arr1 that have keys which are present in all the other arguments.
Kind of equivalent to array_diff(array_keys($arr1),
Equivalent of array_intersect_assoc() but does not do compare of the data.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_intersect_uassoc(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback key_compare_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are present in all the other arguments.
Keys are used to do more restrictive check and they are compared by using an user-supplied callback.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_intersect_ukey(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback key_compare_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have keys which are present in all the other arguments.
Kind of equivalent to array_diff(array_keys($arr1),
The comparison of the keys is performed by a user supplied function.
Equivalent of array_intersect_uassoc() but does not do compare of the data.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool array_key_exists(mixed key, array search)
Checks if the given key or index exists in the arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_keys(array input [, mixed search_value[, bool strict]])
Return just the keys from the input array,
optionally only for the specified search_valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_map(mixed callback, array input1 [, array input2 ,...])
Applies the callback to the elements in given arrays.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_merge(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...])
Merges elements from passed arrays into one arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_merge_recursive(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...])
Recursively merges elements from passed arrays into one arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
Sort multiple arrays at once similar to how ORDER BY clause works in SQLNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_pad(array input, int pad_size, mixed pad_value)
Returns a copy of input array padded with pad_value to size pad_sizeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed array_pop(array stack)
Pops an element off the end of the arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed array_product(array input)
Returns the product of the array entriesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int array_push(array stack, mixed var [, mixed ...])
Pushes elements onto the end of the arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed array_rand(array input [, int num_req])
Return key/keys for random entry/entries in the arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed array_reduce(array input, mixed callback [, int initial])
Iteratively reduce the array to a single value via the callback.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_reverse(array input [, bool preserve keys])
Return input as a new array with the order of the entries reversedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed array_search(mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict])
Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successfulNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed array_shift(array stack)
Pops an element off the beginning of the arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_slice(array input, int offset [, int length [, bool preserve_keys]])
Returns elements specified by offset and lengthNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_splice(array input, int offset [, int length [, array replacement]])
Removes the elements designated by offset and length and replace them with supplied arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed array_sum(array input)
Returns the sum of the array entriesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_udiff(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback data_comp_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are not present in any of the others arguments.
Elements are compared by user supplied function.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_udiff_assoc(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback key_comp_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are not present in any of the others arguments but do additional checks whether the keys are equal.
Keys are compared by user supplied function.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_udiff_uassoc(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback data_comp_func, callback key_comp_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are not present in any of the others arguments but do additional checks whether the keys are equal.
Keys and elements are compared by user supplied functions.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_uintersect(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback data_compare_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are present in all the other arguments.
Data is compared by using an user-supplied callback.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_uintersect_assoc(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback data_compare_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are present in all the other arguments.
Keys are used to do more restrictive check.
Data is compared by using an user-supplied callback.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_uintersect_uassoc(array arr1, array arr2 [, array ...], callback data_compare_func, callback key_compare_func)
Returns the entries of arr1 that have values which are present in all the other arguments.
Keys are used to do more restrictive check.
Both data and keys are compared by using user-supplied callbacks.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_unique(array input)
Removes duplicate values from arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int array_unshift(array stack, mixed var [, mixed ...])
Pushes elements onto the beginning of the arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array array_values(array input)
Return just the values from the input arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool array_walk(array input, string funcname [, mixed userdata])
Apply a user function to every member of an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool array_walk_recursive(array input, string funcname [, mixed userdata])
Apply a user function recursively to every member of an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool arsort(array &array_arg [, int sort_flags])
Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index associationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool asort(array &array_arg [, int sort_flags])
Sort an array and maintain index associationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array compact(mixed var_names [, mixed ...])
Creates a hash containing variables and their valuesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int count(mixed var [, int mode])
Count the number of elements in a variable (usually an array)STILL INCOMPLETE.
mixed current(array array_arg)
Return the element currently pointed to by the internal array pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed end(array array_arg)
Advances array argument's internal pointer to the last element and return itNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int extract(array var_array [, int extract_type [, string prefix]])
Imports variables into symbol table from an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool in_array(mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict])
Checks if the given value exists in the arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed key(array array_arg)
Return the key of the element currently pointed to by the internal array pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool krsort(array &array_arg [, int sort_flags])
Sort an array by key value in reverse orderNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ksort(array &array_arg [, int sort_flags])
Sort an array by keyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed max(mixed arg1 [, mixed arg2 [, mixed ...]])
Return the highest value in an array or a series of argumentsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed min(mixed arg1 [, mixed arg2 [, mixed ...]])
Return the lowest value in an array or a series of argumentsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void natcasesort(array &array_arg)
Sort an array using case-insensitive natural sortNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void natsort(array &array_arg)
Sort an array using natural sortNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed next(array array_arg)
Move array argument's internal pointer to the next element and return itNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed prev(array array_arg)
Move array argument's internal pointer to the previous element and return itNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array range(mixed low, mixed high[, int step])
Create an array containing the range of integers or characters from low to high (inclusive)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed reset(array array_arg)
Set array argument's internal pointer to the first element and return itNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool rsort(array &array_arg [, int sort_flags])
Sort an array in reverse orderNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool shuffle(array array_arg)
Randomly shuffle the contents of an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool sort(array &array_arg [, int sort_flags])
bool uasort(array array_arg, string cmp_function)
Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index associationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool uksort(array array_arg, string cmp_function)
Sort an array by keys using a user-defined comparison functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool usort(array array_arg, string cmp_function)
Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.