php_basic.pir - PHP basic Standard Library
mixed call_user_func(string function_name [, mixed parmeter] [, mixed ...])
Call a user function which is the first parameterNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed call_user_func_array(string function_name, array parameters)
Call a user function which is the first parameter with the arguments contained in arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed call_user_method(string method_name, mixed object [, mixed parameter] [, mixed ...])
Call a user method on a specific object or classNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed call_user_method_array(string method_name, mixed object, array params)
Call a user method on a specific object or class using a parameter arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int connection_aborted(void)
Returns true if client disconnectedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int connection_status(void)
Returns the connection status bitfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed constant(string const_name)
Given the name of a constant this function will return the constants associated value
array error_get_last()
Get the last occurred error as associative array.
Returns NULL if there hasn't been an error yet.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool error_log(string message [, int message_type [, string destination [, string extra_headers]]])
Send an error message somewhereNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void flush(void)
Flush the output bufferNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string get_cfg_var(string option_name)
Get the value of a PHP configuration optionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string get_current_user(void)
Get the name of the owner of the current PHP scriptNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string get_include_path()
Get the current include_path configuration option Currently only the current include path is returned.STILL INCOMPLETE.
int get_magic_quotes_gpc(void)
Get the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpcNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int get_magic_quotes_runtime(void)
Get the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtimeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string getenv(string varname)
Get the value of an environment variableSTILL INCOMPLETE.
array getopt(string options [, array longopts])
Get options from the command line argument listNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int getprotobyname(string name)
Returns protocol number associated with name as per /etc/protocolsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string getprotobynumber(int proto)
Returns protocol name associated with protocol number protoNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int getservbyname(string service, string protocol)
Returns port associated with service.
Protocol must be "tcp" or "udp"NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string getservbyport(int port, string protocol)
Returns service name associated with port.
Protocol must be "tcp" or "udp"NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool highlight_file(string file_name [, bool return] )
Syntax highlight a source fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool highlight_string(string string [, bool return] )
Syntax highlight a string or optionally return itNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ignore_user_abort(bool value)
Set whether we want to ignore a user abort event or notNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool import_request_variables(string types [, string prefix])
Import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scopeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string inet_ntop(string in_addr)
Converts a packed inet address to a human readable IP address stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string inet_pton(string ip_address)
Converts a human readable IP address to a packed binary stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ini_get(string varname)
Get a configuration optionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array ini_get_all([string extension])
Get all configuration optionsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ini_restore(string varname)
Restore the value of a configuration option specified by varnameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ini_set(string varname, string newvalue)
Set a configuration option,
returns false on error and the old value of the configuration option on successNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ip2long(string ip_address)
Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a proper addressNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool is_uploaded_file(string path)
Check if file was created by rfc1867 uploadNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string long2ip(int proper_address)
Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted formatNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool move_uploaded_file(string path, string new_path)
Move a file if and only if it was created by an uploadNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array parse_ini_file(string filename [, bool process_sections])
Parse configuration fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string php_strip_whitespace(string file_name)
Return source with stripped comments and whitespaceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed print_r(mixed var [, bool return])
Prints out or returns information about the specified variableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool putenv(string setting)
Set the value of an environment variableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void register_shutdown_function(string function_name)
Register a user-level function to be called on request terminationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool register_tick_function(string function_name [, mixed arg [, mixed ... ]])
Registers a tick callback functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void restore_include_path()
Restore the value of the include_path configuration optionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string set_include_path(string new_include_path)
Sets the include_path configuration optionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool set_magic_quotes_runtime(int new_setting)
Set the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime and return previousNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void sleep(int seconds)
Delay for a given number of seconds
array sys_getloadavg()
mixed time_nanosleep(long seconds, long nanoseconds)
Delay for a number of seconds and nano secondsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed time_sleep_until(float timestamp)
Make the script sleep until the specified timeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void unregister_tick_function(string function_name)
Unregisters a tick callback functionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void usleep(int micro_seconds)
Delay for a given number of micro secondsNOT IMPLEMENTED.