php_bcmath.pir - PHP bcmath Library
string bcadd(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale])
Returns the sum of two arbitrary precision numbersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int bccomp(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale])
Compares two arbitrary precision numbersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string bcdiv(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale])
Returns the quotient of two arbitrary precision numbers (division)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string bcmod(string left_operand, string right_operand)
Returns the modulus of the two arbitrary precision operandsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string bcmul(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale])
Returns the multiplication of two arbitrary precision numbersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string bcpow(string x, string y [, int scale])
Returns the value of an arbitrary precision number raised to the power of anotherNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string bcpowmod(string x, string y, string mod [, int scale])
Returns the value of an arbitrary precision number raised to the power of another reduced by a modulousNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool bcscale(int scale)
Sets default scale parameter for all bc math functionsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string bcsqrt(string operand [, int scale])
Returns the square root of an arbitray precision numberNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string bcsub(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale])
Returns the difference between two arbitrary precision numbersNOT IMPLEMENTED.