php_file.pir - PHP file Standard Library


Functions ^

string basename(string path [, string suffix])
Returns the filename component of the path
bool copy(string source_file, string destination_file)
string dirname(string path)
Returns the directory name component of the pathNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool fclose(resource fp)
Close an open file pointer
bool feof(resource fp)
Test for end-of-file on a file pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool fflush(resource fp)
Flushes outputNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string fgetc(resource fp)
Get a character from file pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array fgetcsv(resource fp [,int length [, string delimiter [, string enclosure]]])
Get line from file pointer and parse for CSV fieldsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string fgets(resource fp[, int length])
Get a line from file pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string fgetss(resource fp [, int length, string allowable_tags])
Get a line from file pointer and strip HTML tagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array file(string filename [, int flags[, resource context]])
Read entire file into an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string file_get_contents(string filename [, bool use_include_path [, resource context [, long offset [, long maxlen]]]])
Read the entire file into a stringSTILL INCOMPLETE.
int file_put_contents(string file, mixed data [, int flags [, resource context]])
Write/Create a file with contents data and return the number of bytes writtenNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool flock(resource fp, int operation [, int &wouldblock])
Portable file lockingNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool fnmatch(string pattern, string filename [, int flags])
Match filename against patternNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource fopen(string filename, string mode [, bool use_include_path [, resource context]])
Open a file or a URL and return a file pointerSTILL INCOMPLETE (see _getmode)
int fpassthru(resource fp)
Output all remaining data from a file pointer
int fputcsv(resource fp, array fields [, string delimiter [, string enclosure]])
Format line as CSV and write to file pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string fread(resource fp, int length)
Binary-safe file readNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed fscanf(resource stream, string format [, string ...])
Implements a mostly ANSI compatible fscanf()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int fseek(resource fp, int offset [, int whence])
Seek on a file pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array fstat(resource fp)
Stat() on a filehandleNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ftell(resource fp)
Get file pointer's read/write positionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool ftruncate(resource fp, int size)
Truncate file to 'size' lengthNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int fwrite(resource fp, string str [, int length])
Binary-safe file writeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array get_meta_tags(string filename [, bool use_include_path])
Extracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool mkdir(string pathname [, int mode [, bool recursive [, resource context]]])
Create a directoryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pathinfo(string path[, int options])
Returns information about a certain stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pclose(resource fp)
Close a file pointer opened by popen()NOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource popen(string command, string mode)
Execute a command and open either a read or a write pipe to itNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int readfile(string filename [, bool use_include_path[, resource context]])
Output a file or a URLSTILL INCOMPLETE (see stream_open)
string realpath(string path)
Return the resolved pathNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool rename(string old_name, string new_name[, resource context])
bool rewind(resource fp)
Rewind the position of a file pointerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool rmdir(string dirname[, resource context])
Remove a directoryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string sys_get_temp_dir()
Returns directory path used for temporary filesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string tempnam(string dir, string prefix)
Create a unique filename in a directoryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource tmpfile(void)
Create a temporary file that will be deleted automatically after useNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int umask([int mask])
Return or change the umaskNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool unlink(string filename[, context context])
