php_ming.pir - PHP ming Library


Functions ^

int ming_keypress(string str)
Returns the action flag for keyPress(char)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ming_setcubicthreshold(int threshold)
Set cubic threshold (?)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ming_setscale(int scale)
void ming_useconstants(int use)
Use constant pool (?)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void ming_useswfversion(int version)
void swfaction::__construct(string)
Creates a new SWFAction object, compiling the given scriptNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbitmap::__construct(mixed file [, mixed maskfile])
Creates a new SWFBitmap object from jpg (with optional mask) or dbl fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swfbitmap::getHeight()
Returns the height of this bitmapNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swfbitmap::getWidth()
Returns the width of this bitmapNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::__construct()
Creates a new SWFButton objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
SWFSoundInstance swfbutton::addASound(SWFSound sound, int flags)
associates a sound with a button transition NOTE: the transitions are all wrong _UP, _OVER, _DOWN _HITNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::addAction(object SWFAction, int flags)
Sets the action to perform when conditions described in flags is metNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::addShape(object SWFCharacter, int flags)
Sets the character to display for the condition described in flagsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::setAction(object SWFAction)
Sets the action to perform when button is pressedNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::setDown(object SWFCharacter)
Sets the character for this button's down stateNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::setHit(object SWFCharacter)
Sets the character for this button's hit test stateNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::setMenu(int flag)
enable track as menu button behaviourNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::setOver(object SWFCharacter)
Sets the character for this button's over stateNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfbutton::setUp(object SWFCharacter)
Sets the character for this button's up stateNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::addAction(object SWFAction, int flags)
Adds this SWFAction to the given SWFSprite instanceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::addColor(int r, int g, int b [, int a])
Sets the add color part of this SWFDisplayItem's CXform to (r, g, b [, a]), a defaults to 0NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::endMask()
another way of defining a MASK layerNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::move(float dx, float dy)
Displaces this SWFDisplayItem by (dx, dy) in movie coordinatesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::moveTo(int x, int y)
Moves this SWFDisplayItem to movie coordinates (x, y)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::multColor(float r, float g, float b [, float a])
Sets the multiply color part of this SWFDisplayItem's CXform to (r, g, b [, a]), a defaults to 1.0NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::rotate(float degrees)
Rotates this SWFDisplayItem the given (clockwise) degrees from its current orientationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::rotateTo(float degrees)
Rotates this SWFDisplayItem the given (clockwise) degrees from its original orientationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::scale(float xScale, float yScale)
Multiplies this SWFDisplayItem's current x scale by xScale, its y scale by yScaleNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::scaleTo(float xScale [, float yScale])
Scales this SWFDisplayItem by xScale in the x direction, yScale in the y, or both to xScale if only one argNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::setDepth(int depth)
Sets this SWFDisplayItem's z-depth to depth. Items with higher depth values are drawn on top of those with lower valuesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::setMaskLevel(int level)
defines a MASK layer at levelNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::setMatrix(float a, float b, float c, float d, float x, float y)
Sets the item's transform matrixNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::setName(string name)
Sets this SWFDisplayItem's name to nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::setRatio(float ratio)
Sets this SWFDisplayItem's ratio to ratio. Obviously only does anything if displayitem was created from an SWFMorphNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::skewX(float xSkew)
Adds xSkew to this SWFDisplayItem's x skew valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::skewXTo(float xSkew)
Sets this SWFDisplayItem's x skew value to xSkewNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::skewY(float ySkew)
Adds ySkew to this SWFDisplayItem's y skew valueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfdisplayitem::skewYTo(float ySkew)
Sets this SWFDisplayItem's y skew value to ySkewNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffill::__construct()
Creates a new SWFFill objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffill::moveTo(float x, float y)
Moves this SWFFill to shape coordinates (x,y)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffill::rotateTo(float degrees)
Rotates this SWFFill the given (clockwise) degrees from its original orientationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffill::scaleTo(float xScale [, float yScale])
Scales this SWFFill by xScale in the x direction, yScale in the y, or both to xScale if only one argNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffill::skewXTo(float xSkew)
Sets this SWFFill's x skew value to xSkewNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffill::skewYTo(float ySkew)
Sets this SWFFill's y skew value to ySkewNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffont::__construct(string filename)
Creates a new SWFFont object from given fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffont::addChars(string)
adds characters to a font required within textfieldsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swffont::getAscent()
Returns the ascent of the font, or 0 if not availableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swffont::getDescent()
Returns the descent of the font, or 0 if not availableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swffont::getLeading()
Returns the leading of the font, or 0 if not availableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string swffont::getShape(code)
Returns the glyph shape of a char as a text stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int swffont::getUTF8Width(string)
Calculates the width of the given string in this font at full heightNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int swffont::getWideWidth(string)
Calculates the width of the given string in this font at full heightNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swffont::getWidth(string str)
Calculates the width of the given string in this font at full heightNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffontcha::raddChars(string)
adds characters to a font for exporting fontNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swffontchar::addChars(string)
adds characters to a font for exporting fontNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfgradient::__construct()
Creates a new SWFGradient objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfgradient::addEntry(float ratio, int r, int g, int b [, int a])
Adds given entry to the gradientNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfmorph::__construct()
Creates a new SWFMorph objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object swfmorph::getShape1()
Return's this SWFMorph's start shape objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object swfmorph::getShape2()
Return's this SWFMorph's start shape objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfmovie::__construct(int version)
Creates swfmovie object according to the passed versionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object swfmovie::add(object SWFBlock)
void swfmovie::labelframe(string label)
void swfmovie::namedanchor(string name)
void swfmovie::nextframe()
int swfmovie::output([int compression])
void swfmovie::protect([ string pasword])
void swfmovie::remove(object SWFBlock)
int swfmovie::save(mixed where [, int compression])
Saves the movie. 'where' can be stream and the movie will be saved there otherwise it is treated as string and written in file with that nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int swfmovie::saveToFile(stream x [, int compression])
void swfmovie::setBackground(int r, int g, int b)
Sets background color (r,g,b)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfmovie::setDimension(float x, float y)
Sets movie dimensionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfmovie::setFrames(int frames)
Sets number of framesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfmovie::setRate(float rate)
Sets movie rateNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int swfmovie::streamMP3(mixed file [, float skip])
Sets sound stream of the SWF movie. The parameter can be stream or string. Retuens the number of frames.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
class swfprebuiltclip_init([file])
Returns a SWFPrebuiltClip objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::__construct()
Creates a new SWFShape objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object swfshape::addfill(mixed arg1, int arg2, [int b [, int a]])
Returns a fill object, for use with swfshape_setleftfill and swfshape_setrightfill. If 1 or 2 parameter(s) is (are) passed first should be object (from gradient class) and the second int (flags). Gradient fill is performed. If 3 or 4 parameters are passed : r, g, b [, a]. Solid fill is performed.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawarc(float r, float startAngle, float endAngle)
Draws an arc of radius r centered at the current location, from angle startAngle to angle endAngle measured clockwise from 12 o'clockNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawcircle(float r)
Draws a circle of radius r centered at the current location, in a counter-clockwise fashionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawcubic(float bx, float by, float cx, float cy, float dx, float dy)
Draws a cubic bezier curve using the current position and the three given points as control pointsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawcubic(float bx, float by, float cx, float cy, float dx, float dy)
Draws a cubic bezier curve using the current position and the three given points as control pointsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawcurve(float adx, float ady, float bdx, float bdy [, float cdx, float cdy])
Draws a curve from the current pen position (x, y) to the point (x+bdx, y+bdy) in the current line style, using point (x+adx, y+ady) as a control point or draws a cubic bezier to point (x+cdx, x+cdy) with control points (x+adx, y+ady) and (x+bdx, y+bdy)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawcurveto(float ax, float ay, float bx, float by [, float dx, float dy])
Draws a curve from the current pen position (x,y) to the point (bx, by) in the current line style, using point (ax, ay) as a control point. Or draws a cubic bezier to point (dx, dy) with control points (ax, ay) and (bx, by)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawglyph(SWFFont font, string character [, int size])
Draws the first character in the given string into the shape using the glyph definition from the given fontNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawline(float dx, float dy)
Draws a line from the current pen position (x, y) to the point (x+dx, y+dy) in the current line styleNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::drawlineto(float x, float y)
Draws a line from the current pen position to shape coordinates (x, y) in the current line styleNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::movepen(float x, float y)
Moves the pen from its current location by vector (x, y)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::movepento(float x, float y)
Moves the pen to shape coordinates (x, y)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::setleftfill(int arg1 [, int g ,int b [,int a]])
Sets the left side fill style to fill in case only one parameter is passed. When 3 or 4 parameters are passed they are treated as : int r, int g, int b, int a . Solid fill is performed in this case before setting left side fill type.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::setleftfill(int arg1 [, int g ,int b [,int a]])
Sets the right side fill style to fill in case only one parameter is passed. When 3 or 4 parameters are passed they are treated as : int r, int g, int b, int a . Solid fill is performed in this case before setting right side fill type.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfshape::setline(int width, int r, int g, int b [, int a])
Sets the current line style for this SWFShapeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfsound::__construct(string filename, int flags)
Creates a new SWFSound object from given fileNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfsprite::__construct()
Creates a new SWFSprite objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object swfsprite::add(object SWFCharacter)
Adds the character to the sprite, returns a displayitem objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfsprite::labelFrame(string label)
void swfsprite::nextFrame()
Moves the sprite to the next frameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfsprite::remove(object SWFDisplayItem)
Remove the named character from the sprite's display listNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swfsprite::setFrames(int frames)
Sets the number of frames in this SWFSpriteNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::__construct()
Creates new SWFText objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::addString(string text)
Writes the given text into this SWFText object at the current pen position, using the current font, height, spacing, and colorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::addUTF8String(string text)
Writes the given text into this SWFText object at the current pen position, using the current font, height, spacing, and colorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::addWideString(string text)
Writes the given text into this SWFText object at the current pen position, using the current font, height, spacing, and colorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swftext::getAscent()
Returns the ascent of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not availableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swftext::getDescent()
Returns the descent of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not availableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swftext::getLeading()
Returns the leading of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not availableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
double swftext::getUTF8Width(string)
calculates the width of the given string in this text objects current font and sizeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
double swftext::getWideWidth(string)
calculates the width of the given string in this text objects current font and sizeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
float swftext::getWidth(string str)
Calculates the width of the given string in this text objects current font and sizeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::moveTo(float x, float y)
Moves this SWFText object's current pen position to (x, y) in text coordinatesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::setColor(int r, int g, int b [, int a])
Sets this SWFText object's current color to the given colorNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::setFont(object font)
Sets this SWFText object's current font to given fontNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::setHeight(float height)
Sets this SWFText object's current height to given heightNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftext::setSpacing(float spacing)
Sets this SWFText object's current letterspacing to given spacingNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::__construct([int flags])
Creates a new SWFTextField objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::addChars(string)
adds characters to a font that will be available within a textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::addString(string str)
Adds the given string to this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::align(int alignment)
Sets the alignment of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setBounds(float width, float height)
Sets the width and height of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setColor(int r, int g, int b [, int a])
Sets the color of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setFont(object font)
Sets the font for this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setHeight(float height)
Sets the font height of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setIndentation(float indentation)
Sets the indentation of the first line of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setLeftMargin(float margin)
Sets the left margin of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setLineSpacing(float space)
Sets the line spacing of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setMargins(float left, float right)
Sets both margins of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setName(string var_name)
Sets the variable name of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setPadding(float padding)
Sets the padding of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void swftextfield::setRightMargin(float margin)
Sets the right margin of this textfieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
class swfvideostream_init([file])
Returns a SWVideoStream objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
