php_pgsql.pir - PHP pgsql Library


Functions ^

int pg_affected_rows(resource result)
Returns the number of affected tuplesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_cancel_query(resource connection)
Cancel requestNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_client_encoding([resource connection])
Get the current client encodingNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_close([resource connection])
Close a PostgreSQL connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource pg_connect(string connection_string[, int connect_type] | [string host, string port [, string options [, string tty,]]] string database)
Open a PostgreSQL connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_connection_busy(resource connection)
Get connection is busy or notNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_connection_reset(resource connection)
Reset connection (reconnect)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_connection_status(resource connnection)
Get connection statusNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_convert(resource db, string table, array values[, int options])
Check and convert values for PostgreSQL SQL statementNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_copy_from(resource connection, string table_name , array rows [, string delimiter [, string null_as]])
Copy table from arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_copy_to(resource connection, string table_name [, string delimiter [, string null_as]])
Copy table to arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_dbname([resource connection])
Get the database nameNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed pg_delete(resource db, string table, array ids[, int options])
Delete records has ids (id=>value)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_end_copy([resource connection])
Sync with backend. Completes the Copy commandNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_escape_bytea([resource connection,] string data)
Escape binary for bytea typeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_escape_string([resource connection,] string data)
Escape string for text/char typeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource pg_execute([resource connection,] string stmtname, array params)
Execute a prepared queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_fetch_all(resource result)
Fetch all rows into arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_fetch_all_columns(resource result [, int column_number])
Fetch all rows into arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_fetch_array(resource result [, int row [, int result_type]])
Fetch a row as an arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_fetch_assoc(resource result [, int row])
Fetch a row as an assoc arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
object pg_fetch_object(resource result [, int row [, string class_name [, NULL|array ctor_params]]])
Fetch a row as an objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed pg_fetch_result(resource result, [int row_number,] mixed field_name)
Returns values from a result identifierNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_fetch_row(resource result [, int row [, int result_type]])
Get a row as an enumerated arrayNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_field_is_null(resource result, [int row,] mixed field_name_or_number)
Test if a field is NULLNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_field_name(resource result, int field_number)
Returns the name of the fieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_field_num(resource result, string field_name)
Returns the field number of the named fieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_field_prtlen(resource result, [int row,] mixed field_name_or_number)
Returns the printed lengthNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_field_size(resource result, int field_number)
Returns the internal size of the fieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed pg_field_table(resource result, int field_number[, bool oid_only])
Returns the name of the table field belongs to, or table's oid if oid_only is trueNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_field_type(resource result, int field_number)
Returns the type name for the given fieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_field_type_oid(resource result, int field_number)
Returns the type oid for the given fieldNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_free_result(resource result)
Free result memoryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_get_notify([resource connection[, result_type]])
Get asynchronous notificationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_get_pid([resource connection)
Get backend(server) pidNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource pg_get_result(resource connection)
Get asynchronous query resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_host([resource connection])
Returns the host name associated with the connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed pg_insert(resource db, string table, array values[, int options])
Insert values (filed=>value) to tableNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_last_error([resource connection])
Get the error message stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_last_notice(resource connection)
Returns the last notice set by the backendNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_last_oid(resource result)
Returns the last object identifierNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_lo_close(resource large_object)
Close a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_lo_create([resource connection])
Create a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_lo_export([resource connection, ] int objoid, string filename)
Export large object direct to filesystemNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_lo_import([resource connection, ] string filename)
Import large object direct from filesystemNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource pg_lo_open([resource connection,] int large_object_oid, string mode)
Open a large object and return fdNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_lo_read(resource large_object [, int len])
Read a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_lo_read_all(resource large_object)
Read a large object and send straight to browserNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_lo_seek(resource large_object, int offset [, int whence])
Seeks position of large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_lo_tell(resource large_object)
Returns current position of large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_lo_unlink([resource connection,] string large_object_oid)
Delete a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_lo_write(resource large_object, string buf [, int len])
Write a large objectNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_meta_data(resource db, string table)
int pg_num_fields(resource result)
Return the number of fields in the resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_num_rows(resource result)
Return the number of rows in the resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_options([resource connection])
Get the options associated with the connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string|false pg_parameter_status([resource connection,] string param_name)
Returns the value of a server parameterNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource pg_pconnect(string connection_string | [string host, string port [, string options [, string tty,]]] string database)
Open a persistent PostgreSQL connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_ping([resource connection])
Ping database. If connection is bad, try to reconnect.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_port([resource connection])
Return the port number associated with the connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource pg_prepare([resource connection,] string stmtname, string query)
Prepare a query for future executionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_put_line([resource connection,] string query)
Send null-terminated string to backend serverNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource pg_query([resource connection,] string query)
Execute a queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
resource pg_query_params([resource connection,] string query, array params)
Execute a queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_result_error(resource result)
Get error message associated with resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_result_error_field(resource result, int fieldcode)
Get error message field associated with resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_result_seek(resource result, int offset)
Set internal row offsetNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed pg_result_status(resource result[, long result_type])
Get status of query resultNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed pg_select(resource db, string table, array ids[, int options])
Select records that has ids (id=>value)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_send_execute(resource connection, string stmtname, array params)
Executes prevriously prepared stmtname asynchronouslyNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_send_prepare(resource connection, string stmtname, string query)
Asynchronously prepare a query for future executionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_send_query(resource connection, string query)
Send asynchronous queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_send_query_params(resource connection, string query)
Send asynchronous parameterized queryNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_set_client_encoding([resource connection,] string encoding)
Set client encodingNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_set_error_verbosity([resource connection,] int verbosity)
Set error verbosityNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_trace(string filename [, string mode [, resource connection]])
Enable tracing a PostgreSQL connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int pg_transaction_status(resource connnection)
Get transaction statusNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_tty([resource connection])
Return the tty name associated with the connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string pg_unescape_bytea(string data)
Unescape binary for bytea typeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
bool pg_untrace([resource connection])
Disable tracing of a PostgreSQL connectionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed pg_update(resource db, string table, array fields, array ids[, int options])
Update table using values (field=>value) and ids (id=>value)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
array pg_version([resource connection])
Returns an array with client, protocol and server version (when available)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
