php_string.pir - PHP string Standard Library


Functions ^

string addcslashes(string str, string charlist)
Escapes all chars mentioned in charlist with backslash. It creates octal representations if asked to backslash characters with 8th bit set or with an ascii valeu less than 32 (except '\n', '\r', '\t' etc...).NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string addslashes(string str)
Escapes single quote, double quotes and backslash characters in a string with backslashesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string bin2hex(string data)
Converts the binary representation of data to hex
string chr(int ascii)
Converts ASCII code to a character
string chunk_split(string str [, int chunklen [, string ending]])
Returns split lineNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed count_chars(string input [, int mode])
Returns info about what characters are used in inputNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array explode(string separator, string str [, int limit])
Splits a string on string separator and return array of components. If limit is positive only limit number of components is returned. If limit is negative all components except the last abs(limit) are returned.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string hebrev(string str [, int max_chars_per_line])
Converts logical Hebrew text to visual textNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string hebrevc(string str [, int max_chars_per_line])
Converts logical Hebrew text to visual text with newline conversionNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string implode([string glue,] array pieces)
Joins array elements placing glue string between items and return one stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string join(array src, string glue)
An alias for implode
array localeconv(void)
Returns numeric formatting information based on the current localeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string ltrim(string str [, string character_mask])
Strips whitespace from the beginning of a string
string money_format(string format , float value)
Convert monetary value(s) to stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string nl2br(string str)
Converts newlines to HTML line breaksNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string nl_langinfo(int item)
Query language and locale informationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int ord(string character)
Returns ASCII value of character
void parse_str(string encoded_string [, array result])
Parses GET/POST/COOKIE data and sets global variablesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string quotemeta(string str)
Quotes meta charactersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string rtrim(string str [, string character_mask])
Removes trailing whitespace
string setlocale(mixed category, string locale [, string ...])
Set locale informationNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int similar_text(string str1, string str2 [, float percent])
Calculates the similarity between two stringsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed sscanf(string str, string format [, string ...])
Implements an ANSI C compatible sscanfNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed str_ireplace(mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject [, int &replace_count])
Replaces all occurrences of search in haystack with replace / case-insensitiveNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string str_pad(string input, int pad_length [, string pad_string [, int pad_type]])
Returns input string padded on the left or right to specified length with pad_stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string str_repeat(string input, int mult)
Returns the input string repeat mult times
mixed str_replace(mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject [, int &replace_count])
Replaces all occurrences of search in haystack with replaceNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string str_rot13(string str)
Perform the rot13 transform on a stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
void str_shuffle(string str)
Shuffles string. One permutation of all possible is createdNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array str_split(string str [, int split_length])
Convert a string to an array. If split_length is specified, break the string down into chunks each split_length characters long.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed str_word_count(string str, [int format [, string charlist]])
Counts the number of words inside a string. If format of 1 is specified, then the function will return an array containing all the words found inside the string. If format of 2 is specified, then the function will return an associated array where the position of the word is the key and the word itself is the value.For the purpose of this function, 'word' is defined as a locale dependent string containing alphabetic characters, which also may contain, but not start with "'" and "-" characters.NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string strchr(string haystack, string needle)
An alias for strstr
int strcoll(string str1, string str2)
Compares two strings using the current localeNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int strcspn(string str, string mask [, start [, len]])
Finds length of initial segment consisting entirely of characters not found in mask. If start or/and length is provide works like strcspn(substr($s,$start,$len),$bad_chars)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string strip_tags(string str [, string allowable_tags])
Strips HTML and PHP tags from a stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string stripcslashes(string str)
Strips backslashes from a string. Uses C-style conventionsNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int stripos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset])
Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitiveNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string stripslashes(string str)
Strips backslashes from a stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string stristr(string haystack, string needle)
Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitiveNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int strnatcasecmp(string s1, string s2)
Returns the result of case-insensitive string comparison using 'natural' algorithmNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int strnatcmp(string s1, string s2)
Returns the result of string comparison using 'natural' algorithmNOT IMPLEMENTED.
array strpbrk(string haystack, string char_list)
Search a string for any of a set of charactersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int strpos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset])
Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another
string strrchr(string haystack, string needle)
Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within anotherNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string strrev(string str)
Reverse a stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int strripos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset])
Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int strrpos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset])
Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int strspn(string str, string mask [, start [, len]])
Finds length of initial segment consisting entirely of characters found in mask. If start or/and length is provided works like strspn(substr($s,$start,$len),$good_chars)NOT IMPLEMENTED.
string strstr(string haystack, string needle)
Finds first occurrence of a string within another
string strtok([string str,] string token)
Tokenize a stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string strtolower(string str)
Makes a string lowercase
string strtoupper(string str)
Makes a string uppercase
string strtr(string str, string from[, string to])
Translates characters in str using given translation tablesNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string substr(string str, int start [, int length])
Returns part of a string
int substr_compare(string main_str, string str, int offset [, int length [, bool case_sensitivity]])
Binary safe optionally case insensitive comparison of 2 strings from an offset, up to length charactersNOT IMPLEMENTED.
int substr_count(string haystack, string needle [, int offset [, int length]])
Returns the number of times a substring occurs in the stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
mixed substr_replace(mixed str, mixed repl, mixed start [, mixed length])
Replaces part of a string with another stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string trim(string str [, string character_mask])
Strips whitespace from the beginning and end of a string
string ucfirst(string str)
Makes a string's first character uppercase
string ucwords(string str)
Uppercase the first character of every word in a stringNOT IMPLEMENTED.
string wordwrap(string str [, int width [, string break [, boolean cut]]])
Wraps buffer to selected number of characters using string break charNOT IMPLEMENTED.
