SDL::Font - Parrot class representing fonts in Parrot SDL


    # load this library
    load_bytecode 'library/SDL/Font.pir'

    # create a new SDL::Font object
    .local pmc font
    font = new 'SDL::Font'

    font.'init'( 'font_file'  => 'myfont.ttf', 'point_size' => 48 )

    # draw text to the screen
    #    presuming you have an SDL::Surface, SDL::Color, and SDL::Rect here...
    font.'draw'( 'some text', font_color, destination_surface, dest_rect )

    # or render it to a surface to use later
    font.'render_text'( 'some text', font_color )


A SDL::Font object represents a TrueType font in SDL. You can use this to draw fonts to any SDL::Surface.


All SDL::Font objects have the following methods:

init( font_args )
Given a list of key-value pairs containing arguments, set the attributes of this font. The valid keys are font_file and point_size, two strings containing the path to a TrueType font to load and the size of the font when drawn, in pixels.
draw( text_string, text_color, dest_surface, dest_rect )
Given a string of text to draw, an SDL::Color object representing the color of the text to draw, a SDL::Surface to which to draw, and a SDL::Rect representing the placement of the text within the surface, draws some text.Whew.
render_text( text_string, text_color )
Renders a string of text of the given SDL::Color. This returns a new SDL::Surface containing the rendered font.
Returns the underlying SDL_Font structure this object wraps. You should never need to call this directly unless you're calling SDL functions directly, in which case why not send me a patch?
point_size( [ new_size ] )
Gets or sets the point size associated with this font object. The single argument is an integer and is optional.


Written and maintained by chromatic, <chromatic at wgz dot org>. Please send patches, feedback, and suggestions to the Perl 6 Internals mailing list.


Copyright (C) 2004-2008, The Perl Foundation.
