parrotcode: Parse and compile glob notation expressions. | |
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Tcl::Glob - Parse and compile glob notation expressions.
A parser for Tcl-stype glob notation.
compile_glob(PMC source, PMC adverbs :slurpy :named)
Normally this function is obtained using compreg 'Tcl::Glob'
instead of calling it directly.Returns the compiled regular expression.
If a target
named parameter is supplied,
then it will return the parse tree (target='parse'),
the expression tree (target='exp'),
or the resulting PIR code (target='PIR').
glob(PMC mob, PMC adverbs :slurpy :named)
glob_literal(PMC mob, PMC adverbs)
or [
Return the matched portion,
with the result_object
set to the decoded literal.
glob_quest(PMC mob, PMC adverbs)
wildcard character in a glob.
For this we just return a CCShortcut that is set to '.'
glob_star(PMC mob, PMC adverbs)
wildcard character in a glob.
This is a little bit more complex,
as we have to return a quantified '.'.
glob_enum(PMC mob, PMC adverbs)
glob_alt(PMC mob, PMC adverbs)
and using compsub
as the subroutine to call for performing compilation.
(possibly modified by any provided options).This is basically a cut and paste of PGE::Glob. There should probably be much less code duplication here.
PGE::Glob was originally authored by Jonathan Scott Duff (, It has been updated for later versions of PGE by Patrick R. Michaud (
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