src/pmc/file.pmc - File PMC


File is a singleton class which provides access to File functions.

Methods ^

void *get_pointer()
void set_pointer(void *ptr)
These two functions are part of the singleton creation interface. For more information see src/pmc.c.
INTVAL exists(STRING *file)
Returns a true value (1) if the supplied file or directory exists.
INTVAL is_dir(STRING *path)
Returns a true value (1) if the supplied path is a directory.
INTVAL is_file(STRING *path)
Returns a true value (1) if the supplied path is a plain file.
INTVAL is_link(STRING *path)
Returns a true value (1) if the supplied path is a link.
void copy(STRING *from, STRING *to)
Copy the contents from file represented by path from to the path to.Uses the "work everywhere method". It is good enough to start with.NOTE: I'm sure that there should be more efficient ways to do this. Be free to change or give me hints on how to change it. -- ambs
void rename(STRING *from, STRING *to)
Rename a file from to the path to.


   stat(2), rename(2)
