This example shows the usage of Stream::Filter
Filter streams are used to alter and/or filter strings read from another stream. The strings are passed to a filter sub that will return the altered string, or null if the string should be filtered out.
- _main Creates a counter stream that generates numbers from 0 to 9.
- _counter This sub is the source of the counter stream. It generates numbers from 0 to 9 in string form.
- _filter This sub is the source of the filter stream.It doubles the read number and appends it together with " * 2 = " to the string. It also filters the value 4 out, which will be missing in the output.
Jens Rieks <parrot at jensbeimsurfen dot de> is the author and maintainer. Please send patches and suggestions to the Perl 6 Internals mailing list.
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