src/pmc/lexpad.pmc - LexPad PMC


These are the vtable functions for the lexpad PMC.


init_pmc(PMC *lexinfo)
Initialize the LexPad PMC and remember the associate lexinfo.
void set_pointer(void *)
Initialize the LexPad PMC and remember the associate context.
INTVAL elements()
Returns the number of elements in the hash.
INTVAL exists_keyed(PMC *name)
INTVAL exists_keyed_str(STRING *name)
Returns whether a lexical name exists in the hash.
PMC *get_pmc_keyed_str(STRING *name)
PMC *get_pmc_keyed(PMC *name)
Return the lexical with the given name, or NULL (not PMCNULL), if the lexical doesn't exist.
void set_pmc_keyed(PMC *name, PMC *value)
void set_pmc_keyed_str(STRING *name, PMC *value)
Set the lexical with the given name to value. If the lexical name doesn't exist, it is created.
PMC *get_lexinfo()
Return the LexInfo PMC, if any or a Null PMC.


docs/pdds/pdd20_lexical_vars.pod, src/pmc/lexinfo.pmc.