set.ops - Assignment Opcodes
These operations all set registers to various values.
When making changes to any ops file,
run make bootstrap-ops
to regenerate all generated ops files.
- clone(out STR, in STR) Effectively the same as set $1, $2, except that if $2 is a null STRING, $1 gets a new empty string instead.
- set(out INT, in INT)
- set(out INT, in NUM)
- set(out INT, invar PMC)
- set(out INT, invar PMC)
- set(out INT, in STR)
- set(out NUM, in INT)
- set(out NUM, in NUM)
- set(out NUM, invar PMC)
- set(out NUM, in STR)
- set(invar PMC, in INT)
- set(invar PMC, in NUM)
- set(out PMC, invar PMC)
- set(invar PMC, invar STR)
- set(out STR, in INT)
- set(out STR, in NUM)
- set(out STR, invar PMC)
- set(out STR, inconst STR)
- set(out STR, invar STR)
- set(out PMC, inconst PMC)
- set(invar PMC, inconst STR) Set $1 to $2.
PMC assignment operations: Px = x
- assign(invar PMC, in INT)
- assign(invar PMC, in NUM) Assign a new value $2, to PMC $1. Same as the equivalent set opcodes.
- assign(invar PMC, in STR)
- assign(invar PMC, invar PMC) Assign a new value $2, to PMC $1 by copying the value.
- assign(out STR, in STR) Assign a new value to a string by reusing the string header.
- setref(invar PMC, invar PMC) Make $1 refer to $2 by calling
- deref(out PMC, invar PMC) Not strictly an assignment operation: Put into $1 the PMC that the reference PMC $2 refers to.
Keyed set operations: Px[ INTKEY ] = Bx
- set(invar PMC, in INTKEY, in INT)
- set(invar PMC, in INTKEY, in NUM)
- set(invar PMC, in INTKEY, in STR)
- set(invar PMC, in INTKEY, invar PMC)
Keyed get operations: Ax = Px[ INTKEY ]
- set(out INT, invar PMC, in INTKEY)
- set(out NUM, invar PMC, in INTKEY)
- set(out STR, invar PMC, in INTKEY)
- set(out PMC, invar PMC, in INTKEY)
Keyed set operations: Px[ KEY ] = Bx
- set(invar PMC, in KEY, in INT)
- set(invar PMC, in KEY, in NUM)
- set(invar PMC, in KEY, in STR)
- set(invar PMC, in KEY, invar PMC)
Keyed get operations: Ax = Px[ KEY ]
- set(out INT, invar PMC, in KEY)
- set(out NUM, invar PMC, in KEY)
- set(out STR, invar PMC, in KEY)
- set(out PMC, invar PMC, in KEY)
- clone(out PMC, invar PMC) Makes a copy of the PMC in $2 and puts it in $1.
- clone(out PMC, invar PMC, in PMC) Makes a copy of the PMC in $2 and puts it in $1, using the arguments in $3.
- copy(inout PMC, invar PMC) Morphs the PMC in $1 to the type of the PMC in $2, then assigns $2 to $1.
Register operations
These operations effect entire sets of registers.
- null(out INT)
- null(out NUM) Set register $1 to zero.
- null(out STR) Set register $1 to a NULL string value.
- null(out PMC) Set register $1 to PMCNULL.
Copyright (C) 2001-2010, Parrot Foundation.
This program is free software. It is subject to the same license as the Parrot interpreter itself.