src/pmc/eval.pmc - Dynamic code evaluation


Eval extends Sub to provide eval-like dynamic code evaluation and execution.

Vtable functions

void init()
Initializes a new empty Eval.
void destroy()
Destroy the Eval and its associated bytecode.
void mark()
Mark this Eval.
void *get_pointer()
Returns the address of the associated packfile.
opcode_t *invoke(void *next)
Invokes the first subroutine in the eval code.
STRING *get_string
Get a STRING representing the bytecode for this code segment, suitable for writing to disc and later loading via load_bytecode.
PMC *get_pmc_keyed_int(INTVAL key)
Returns the Sub PMC of the element at index key or PMCNULL.
void freeze(PMC *info)
Archives the evaled code
void thaw(PMC *info)
Unarchives the code.


Return the main sub, if any, null PMC otherwise.
Return an object providing indexed access to all subs in the compilation unit (i.e., self). Provides compability with new packfile_pmc API.
is_initialized(STRING* tag)
Dummy method to emulate is_initialized method of the PackFileView PMC. Returns true if tag is equal to "init", since :init subs are automatically invoked when an EvalPMC is loaded, and false for all other tags.

Auxiliar functions

static PMC* get_sub(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *self, int idx)
Get the idxth Sub PMC from the constants table.
static void mark_ct(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *self)
Mark the bytecode segment pointed to by this Eval for GC.