src/pmc/boolean.pmc - Boolean PMC


This PMC implements a Boolean type with a single true/false value. A Boolean does not morph to other types when its value is set; it simply changes its value.

This implementation of Boolean inherits from the Scalar PMC. Unlike the previous implementation, it does not inherit from Integer.


void init()
Create a new Boolean with initial value FALSE.
void init_pmc(PMC *value)
Create a new Boolean with the given initial value interpreted as a Boolean.
void init_int(INTVAL value)
Create a new Boolean with the given initial value interpreted as a Boolean.
INTVAL get_bool()
Obtain the value of the Boolean as an integer: 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE.
INTVAL get_integer()
Same as get_bool().
FLOATVAL get_number()
Obtain the value of the Boolean as a float: 1.0 = TRUE, 0.0 = FALSE.
STRING *get_string()
Obtain the value of the Boolean as a string: "1" = TRUE, "0" = FALSE.
void set_bool(INTVAL value)
Sets the value of the Boolean to the specified integer value: 0 = FALSE, non-0 = TRUE.
void set_integer_native(INTVAL value)
Same as set_bool().
void set_number_native(FLOATVAL value)
Sets the value of the Boolean to the specified float value: 0.0 = FALSE, non-0.0 = TRUE.
void set_string_native(STRING *value)
Sets the Boolean to the value represented by the specified string. All values are considered TRUE except for "" and "0", which are considered FALSE.
INTVAL is_equal(PMC *value)
The == operation.
void freeze(PMC *info)
Used to archive the Boolean.
void thaw(PMC *info)
Used to unarchive the Boolean.

See also the Scalar PMC.