PIR Operator Reference

This section is a quick reference to PIR instructions. For more details and the latest changes, see imcc/docs/syntax.pod or dive into the source code in imcc/imcc.l and imcc/imcc.y.


  R<DEST> = R<VAL>

Assign a value to a particular register, temporary register, or named variable.

+, +=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL> + R<VAL>
  R<DEST> += R<VAL>

Add two numbers or PMCs.

-, -=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> - R<VAL2>
  R<DEST> -= R<VAL1>
  R<DEST> = - R<VAL>

Subtract VAL1 from VAL2. The unary "-" negates a number.

*, *=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL> * R<VAL>
  R<DEST> *= R<VAL>

Multiply two numbers or PMCs.

/, /=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> / R<VAL2>
  R<DEST> /= R<VAL1>

Divide VAL1 by VAL2.


  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> ** R<VAL2>

Raise VAL1 to the power of VAL2.

%, %=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> % R<VAL2>
  R<DEST> %= R<VAL1>

Divide VAL1 by VAL2 and return the (mod) remainder.

., .=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL> . R<VAL>
  R<DEST> .= R<VAL>

Concatenate two strings. The concat operator must be surrounded by whitespace.


  if R<VAL1> E<lt> R<VAL2> goto R<LABEL>

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is less than VAL2.


  if R<VAL1> E<lt>= R<VAL2> goto R<LABEL>

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is less than or equal to VAL2.


  if R<VAL1> E<gt> R<VAL2> goto R<LABEL>

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is greater than VAL2.


  if R<VAL1> E<gt>= R<VAL2> goto R<LABEL>

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is greater than or equal to VAL2.


  if R<VAL1> == R<VAL2> goto R<LABEL>

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is equal to VAL2.


  if R<VAL1> != R<VAL2> goto R<LABEL>

Conditionally branch to a label if VAL1 is not equal to VAL2.


  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> && R<VAL2>

Logical AND. Return VAL1 if it's false, otherwise return VAL2.


  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> || R<VAL2>

Logical OR. Return VAL1 if it's true, otherwise return VAL2.


  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> ~~ R<VAL2>

Logical XOR. If VAL1 is true and VAL2 is false, return VAL1. If VAL1 is false and VAL2 is true, return VAL2. Otherwise, return a false value.


  R<DEST> = ! R<VAL>

Logical NOT. Return a true value if VAL is false.

&, &=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL> & R<VAL>
  R<DEST> &= R<VAL>

Bitwise AND on two values.

|, |=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL> | R<VAL>
  R<DEST> |= R<VAL>

Bitwise OR on two values.

~, ~=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL> ~ R<VAL>
  R<DEST> ~= R<VAL>
  R<DEST> = ~ R<VAL>

Bitwise XOR on two values. The unary form is a bitwise NOT on a value.

<<, <<=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> E<lt>E<lt> R<VAL2>
  R<DEST> E<lt>E<lt>= R<VAL2>

Bitwise shift VAL1 left by VAL2 number of bits.

>>, >>=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> E<gt>E<gt> R<VAL2>
  R<DEST> E<gt>E<gt>= R<VAL2>

Bitwise shift VAL1 right by VAL2 number of bits.

>>>, >>>=

  R<DEST> = R<VAL1> E<gt>E<gt>E<gt> R<VAL2>
  R<DEST> E<gt>E<gt>E<gt>= R<VAL2>

Logically shift VAL1 right by VAL2 number of bits.

[ ]

  R<DEST> = R<PMC> [ R<KEY> ]
  R<PMC> [ R<KEY> ] = R<VAL>

Indexed access to a PMC and indexed assignment to a PMC.


Access a one-character substring on a string, starting at a particular offset, or assign to that substring.


  call R<NAME>

Call the named subroutine (a .sub label).


  R<DEST> = global R<NAME>
  global R<NAME> = R<VAL>

Access a global variable for read or write.


  goto R<NAME>

Jump to the named identifier (label or subroutine name).


  if R<EXPR> goto R<NAME>

If the value or expression evaluates as true, jump to the named identifier.


  unless R<VAL> goto R<NAME>

Unless the value evaluates as true, jump to the named identifier.